I was searching for a company and leadership that has values that align with my own, that brings together flexibility with boundaries, and a place I can look forward to going to work daily and enjoy who I work with... so far it feels like I have found it. FishingBooker has the best combination of what I liked in my prior work experiences. There is no fluff, no need to feel afraid to be honest (but for real), everyone is very helpful and patient, and people feel comfortable being themselves. I have a manager who is constantly evolving and growing with every interaction. Strong leaders who are humble, involved (the right amount), accessible and receptive to push back. I like that employees in the company are able to navigate towards things they enjoy and are naturally good at so they can contribute the most value to the company. It is great to be a part of a company who is always open to feedback, measures what is done well and what can be better, and takes action to improve pain points promptly and smoothly. Decisions within this company are always carefully thought out, transitions are done gradually, and there is flexibility and willingness to pivot as needed. Finally they do a stellar job at meticulously hiring great, well-rounded, smart, down to earth and kind people.
Coming to a company that is a mix of my prior experiences means that it can be difficult to understand how to adjust to a new experience since the company is both alike and very unlike my prior experiences. As a foreigner living in Serbia, there will inevitably be the natural ongoing challenge of having a language barrier which can sometimes make adjusting to a new environment difficult. Fortunately there are sufficient foreigners and HR ears wide open who are constantly trying to make our experience better and as smooth as possible. Getting used to being able to find my own path (with guidance) is new and with new things come challenges. Joining a company that is slowly scaling means that you get a mix of both old norms that no longer fit the new reality, while trying to build and navigate into new norms - while I enjoy being a part of this, it comes with challenges, especially in such a niche industry.